Tell Congress to Pass the Inflation Reduction Act to Address Corporate Taxes, Drug Costs, and the Environment

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( The Senate is expected to vote this week on a tax and investment plan that taxes large profitable corporations, reins in Big Pharma’s price gouging, lowers carbon emissions, and provides billions of dollars … Continued

Public Pressure Prompts USPS to Boost EV Purchases

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Posted at August 1, 2022 – Danielle Smith, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The U.S. Postal Service is buying nearly 85,000 new vehicles and estimates 40% will be electric. Scott Hochberg, attorney at the Center … Continued

Since 2021, Big Oil Has Spent Over $200 Million to Sabotage Climate Action: Analysis

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Posted at Climate Power, the group behind the new analysis, said Democrats’ new climate deal sends “a strong signal” that “deep pockets only go so far.” JAKE JOHNSON July 28, 2022 The oil and gas industry, one of the most … Continued

From ‘Poison Pills’ to ‘Transformative’ Funding, Climate Groups Grapple With Manchin Deal

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Posted at “Is it enough? No,” wrote one campaigner. “Does it have handouts we’ll have to fight against? Yes. But we are on far stronger footing with this bill than without it.” JAKE JOHNSON July 28, 2022 More than … Continued