Update from Lancaster Against Pipelines—Latest News/Activities

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From Lancaster Against Pipelines (http://www.wearelancastercounty.org/): We’re all on tenterhooks awaiting US District Judge Schmel’s decision on whether the Adorer’s land–and that of other hold-out residents–can be seized by Williams for construction of the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline. The hearing ended on … Continued

Tell Secretary Zinke/Department of the Interior—No Offshore Drilling in the Arctic

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From the Alaska Wilderness League (http://www.alaskawild.org): President Trump’s reckless plan to open our public waters to more offshore drilling will not make America “great.” Smoggy air? Spills along our coasts? Oiled wildlife? No way! For great progress, we need to … Continued

Green Groups Celebrate as Court Orders EPA to Reinstate Obama-Era Methane Rule

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/08/01/green-groups-celebrate-court-orders-epa-reinstate-obama-era-methane-rule Published on Tuesday, August 01, 2017 by Common Dreams “Donald Trump and Scott Pruitt’s attempt to delay the implementation of these crucial protections had no basis in law.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer An 11-judge federal appeals … Continued

Legislators Target a Severance Tax – in Name Only

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Posted at https://www.pennfuture.org/Blog-Item-Legislators-Target-a-Severance-Tax-in-Name-Only July 26, 2017 by Matt Stepp, Director of Policy Over the last few weeks, state legislators have prioritized raiding conservation funds and cutting environmental protection agencies under the guise of getting serious about balancing the budget. This was no more evident … Continued

PennFuture Statement: Budget Deal Prioritizes Gas Industry

Posted at https://www.pennfuture.org/News-PennFuture-Statement-Budget-Deal-Prioritizes-Gas-Industry July 27, 2017; HARRISBURG, PA – PennFuture strongly opposes the budget deal passed by the Senate today, which takes environmental protection away from statewide watchdogs and places regulatory power into the hands of the oil and gas … Continued