Judge’s Ruling Permits Williams to Begin Seizing Land Along Pipeline Route

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From Lancaster Against Pipelines (http://www.wearelancastercounty.org/): On August 23, US District Court Judge Jeffrey L. Schmel ruled that the property of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ and other hold out landowners who live in the path of the Atlantic … Continued

The Trump Administration Just Disbanded a Federal Advisory Committee on Climate Change

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Washington Post, By Juliet Eilperin August 20 The Trump administration has decided to disband the federal advisory panel for the National Climate Assessment, a group aimed at helping policymakers and private-sector officials incorporate the government’s climate analysis into long-term planning. The charter for … Continued

Lawmakers Question Interior Secretary Over Whistleblower Reassignment

Posted at http://www.pogo.org/blog/2017/08/lawmakers-question-interior-secretary.html August 17, 2017 Joel Clement, a whistleblower who until recently served as director of the Interior Department’s Office of Policy Analysis. (Photo provided by Wilkenfeld Law) Bringing further attention to one of the most high-profile whistleblower cases to arise … Continued

Conservatives Oppose Decreased Oversight of Oil and Gas Industry

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Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-08-18/environment/conservatives-oppose-decreased-oversight-of-oil-and-gas-industry/a59064-1 August 18, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window One proposal in the Pennsylvania Senate’s budget bill would outsource review of oil and gas permits to private companies. (lalabell68/Pixabay) HARRISBURG, Pa. … Continued

Environmental Hearing Board Overturns Mining Permit

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Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-08-17/environment/environmental-hearing-board-overturns-mining-permit/a59053-1 August 17, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Polen Run is one of the few remaining water features in Ryerson Station State Park. (Center for Coalfield Justice) GREENE COUNTY, Pa. … Continued

Send Public Comment to Protect Special Areas in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

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From the Alaska Wilderness League (http://www.alaskawild.org): Caribou in Alaska’s Western Arctic need your public comment by September 6. Located within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area provides calving grounds for the 40,000-head Teshekpuk Lake Caribou Herd, and … Continued