As EPA Repeals and Delays, Environmentalists Turn to Courts

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Posted at June 25, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The Environmental Protection Agency administrator has repealed or delayed more than 30 environmental regulations, including provisions of the Clean Air Act. (nikolabelopitov/Pixabay) … Continued

Ex-Nasa Scientist: 30 Years On, World Is Failing ‘Miserably’ to Address Climate Change

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James Hansen, who gave a climate warning in 1988 Senate testimony, says real hoax is by leaders claiming to take action Oliver Milman in New York  @olliemilman, Tue 19 Jun 2018 01.00 EDTLast modified on Tue 19 Jun 2018 11.40 EDT Thirty years after a … Continued

Act to Stop Fast-Track Proposal to Open Delaware Basin to Fracking

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From PennEnvironment ( Politicians in Harrisburg are attempting to fast-track a proposal that would undermine efforts to preserve the Delaware River Basin from fracking. Email your state senator at and call on her/him to oppose this effort. We always … Continued