New Study Warns Swaths of Amazon Have Already Passed Key ‘Tipping Point’

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Posted at “The tipping point is not a future scenario but rather a stage already present in some areas of the region,” note researchers. JESSICA CORBETT September 5, 2022 Indigenous leaders and scientists on Monday revealed research showing that the … Continued

Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet Poised to Trigger Almost a Foot of Sea-Level Rise: Study

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Posted at If the world halted planet-heating pollution today, the ice sheet would lose more than 3% of its mass in the coming decades, scientists warn. To prevent even worse outcomes, immediate climate action is needed. KENNY STANCIL August … Continued

Urge the Biden Administration to Lead on Reducing Single-Use Plastics—by September 6

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From PennEnvironment ( Plastic pollution is endangering wildlife and the environment around the world. Less than 10% of all plastic ever produced has been recycled — the rest will stick around for centuries in our landfills, oceans, waterways and other … Continued

Climate Crisis Pushing Up to 1 in 6 US Tree Species Toward Extinction: Study

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Posted at “Understanding the current state of trees within the U.S. is imperative to protecting those species, their habitats, and the countless communities they support.” JULIA CONLEY August 23, 2022 New research published Tuesday reveals both how chronically under-studied tree … Continued