Tell PA Legislative Leaders: Your Work is Not Done on Redistricting!

From Fair Districts PA ( On Monday, our PA legislature recessed for the summer without passing either of the redistricting reform bills that had the support of tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians and hundreds of municipalities. Go to to … Continued

Time to Act NOW on Redistricting Reform in PA

From Fair Districts PA ( This is a critical time for redistricting reform. On May 22, PA Senate Bill 22 was amended and voted unanimously out of committee. While the amended version allows legislators some involvement, our leadership team believe … Continued

Pennsylvanians Favor Independent Commission to Draw Districts

Posted at May 1, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled congressional districts had been drawn to favor one party. (Ruhrfisch CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. – … Continued

Recognizing Powerful Interests Running the Joint, More Than 75% of Americans Back Campaign Finance Reform

Posted at Published on Friday, April 27, 2018 by Common Dreams “Let’s turn opinion into action by overturning #CitizensUnited and enacting public financing of elections nationwide,” says Public Citizen in response to new Pew survey. By Andrea Germanos, staff … Continued