Update: What’s Happening with Redistricting?

From Fair Districts PA (http://www.fairdistrictspa.com): The redistricting countdown has begun here in PA. On March 16 legislative leaders announced the appointment of four of the five Legislative Reapportionment Commissioners: Senate Majority Leader Kim Ward, Senate Minority Leader Jay Costa, House … Continued

Demand a Fair, Transparent, and Equitable Redistricting Process

From Common Cause (http://www.commoncause.org): We’ve officially kicked off the redistricting process in Pennsylvania — just a few days ago, legislative leaders in Pennsylvania appointed the first four members of our Legislative Reapportionment Commission, the body tasked with redrawing our state legislative … Continued

Analysis Details How Bill in Congress Could Stop GOP Voter Suppression Nationwide

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/03/16/analysis-details-how-bill-congress-could-stop-gop-voter-suppression-nationwide Published on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 by Common Dreams By passing the For the People Act, as the House recently did, the Senate can “nullify new voter restrictions currently advanced by Republicans at the state level.” By … Continued

Tell Our Senators to Pass the For the People Act to Protect and Expand Voting Rights for All Americans

From the Coalition on Human Needs (http://www.chn.org): Since the November election, when Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump by 7 million votes, some state legislators throughout our country have been promoting “The Big Lie” that Trump actually won the election. These attempts to … Continued