Tell Congress to Increase Affordable Housing Funding in Emergency Relief Legislation

From the National Alliance to End Homelessness ( Congress is approaching final budget negotiations on emergency relief legislation​. This should provide a substantial increase in affordable housing funding to remedy the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and strengthen these programs for … Continued

‘Just Horrific’: Pandemic Fuels Steepest Decline in US Life Expectancy Since WWII

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Posted at “I myself had never seen a change this big except in the history books,” said Elizabeth Arias, a CDC demographer. JAKE JOHNSON July 21, 2021 New Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data out Wednesday shows that life … Continued

Rich Nations Hoard Enough Extra Vaccines for All African Adults as Continent’s Crisis Intensifies

Posted at “As Africa is now facing its third and biggest Covid wave so far, it is getting left behind in the race for vaccine doses,” said the head of UNAIDS. “This vaccine apartheid is unacceptable.” JESSICA CORBETT July … Continued

FRAC’s New Online Dashboard Reveals A Shocking Number of Households Don’t Have Enough to Eat During the Pandemic

From the Food Research and Action Center ( WASHINGTON, July 15, 2021 — Today, the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) released its Food Insufficiency During COVID-19 Dashboard to illustrate how the pandemic has caused alarming spikes in hunger in America. The Dashboard features … Continued

Urge the President to Grant Clemency to People Released from Prison Under the CARES Act

From the Sentencing Project ( Recently we told you all about Gwen Levi, a 76-year-old grandmother sent back to federal prison for missing a phone call while she was at a computer class. We have great news: Gwen is home, … Continued

‘Humanity Must Stand Together’: Top Medical Ethicists Demand Vaccine Patent Waivers

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Posted at “We will look back in anger and I think we will look back in shame” if wealthy countries do not ensure vaccine doses are distributed globally, said one WHO official. JULIA CONLEY July 12, 2021 Two medical … Continued

‘It Didn’t Have to Be This Way’: WHO Chief Laments 4 Million Covid-19 Deaths

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Posted at “Everyone deserves protection from Covid-19,” said the People’s Vaccine Alliance, “not just the richest.” ANDREA GERMANOS July 8, 2021 The official global death toll from Covid-19 hit 4 million Wednesday—a “tragic milestone,” said the World Health Organization chief as he … Continued