Urge Governors to Address Panic Gun Buying and Reduce Gun Violence Risk

From Moms Rising (https://www.momsrising.org/): Being safe at home has never been more important. Unfortunately, fear— fear for our health and for our families— has motivated the panic buying of firearms, particularly by first-time gun owners.[1][2] But fear-purchasing firearms isn’t a way to … Continued

URGENT: Tell Treasury Secretary Mnuchin to Extend the Deadline for Economic Impact Payment to Social Security Recipients

From the Coalition on Human Needs (http://www.chn.org): Tell Secretary Steven Mnuchin: “Treasury’s callous and burdensome deadline will result in Social Security beneficiaries not receiving the full Economic Impact Payment they are owed. We demand that you immediately extend the deadline … Continued

URGENT! April 22 Deadline for Social Security Retirees and Disabled Individuals Who Did Not File Taxes in 2019

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (http://www.pahealthaccess.org): Breaking news! The IRS has announced that individuals who receive Social security retirement and SSDI who did not file 2019 or 2019 taxes must act by tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22nd at noon, in order to receive … Continued

Action Needed Immediately to Protect Medicaid

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (http://www.pahealthaccess.org): The current coronavirus pandemic requires us to stand up for Medicaid again. We urgently need you to take action before this Friday. In Pennsylvania, unemployment is surging toward a record high and as people … Continued

PCCY Helps Families Get Health Insurance in Every Language

From Public Citizens for Children and Youth (http://www.pccy.org): NOTE: This covers the southeastern Pennsylvania region. All families in our region should be able access critical information during this health crisis to get the services and support they may need. That’s … Continued

Families Sued The State So They Can Be Free—Here’s How To Support Them

From the #ShutDownBerks Coalition (https://www.facebook.com/ShutDownBerksCoalition/): Five families remain at the family prison, families with a 5 year-old, two 3 year-olds and two 1 year-olds. Children and families who should have never been imprisoned to begin with. So, these families have sued the … Continued

PUC Encourages Awareness of Telephone Discount Lifeline Program to Consumers at Risk of Isolation During Challenging Times

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) has encouraged consumers across the state, especially those most vulnerable to social isolation, to understand the resources available through the Lifeline program to help them stay connected to their voice and internet services during … Continued