Call to Observe Memorial Day, May 25, as Day of Mourning to Acknowledge Grief and Loss from Pandemic

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Thanks to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting representative to the Council’s Board of Directors, Carter Nash, for sharing. Northside Friends Meeting is a Quaker Meeting located in the Uptown Neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and Illinois quarantine we have … Continued

Resources for Community Response to Hate

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Thanks to the Community Responders Network for providing these resources. Community Response – Ten Ways to Fight Hate – Southern Poverty Law Center: Take a Stand in Your Community – Not in Our Town (Action Kit): Enhance the … Continued

We Need ‘Single Payer Like Yesterday’: Medicare for All Case Made as 16.2 Million Lose Employer-Tied Insurance

Posted at Published on Thursday, May 14, 2020 by Common Dreams “While Americans may like their employer-provided coverage when they have it, contra Obama, they can’t always keep it.” By Julia Conley, staff writer “It is especially terrifying for … Continued

PA Application for CARES Act Relief Funds for Schools Approved

From Education Voters of Pennsylvania ( Last week, the US Department of Education (USDE) approved Pennsylvania’s application for the commonwealth’s share of COVID-19 relief funding for schools in the CARES Act. The CARES Act will provide $523.8 million to Pennsylvania … Continued