Bolstering Case for Extending Unemployment Relief—and Higher Wages Overall—Study Shows Recipients Spent More During Pandemic

Posted at Published on Thursday, July 16, 2020 by Common Dreams “Shocker: Working people spend money when they have it.” By Eoin Higgins, staff writer Hundreds of unemployed Kentucky residents wait in long lines outside the Kentucky Career Center … Continued

Urge Congress to Include $50 Billion Childcare Stabilization Funding in Next Coronavirus Package

From Moms Rising ( “Trying to find childcare during the pandemic is almost impossible. I am a caregiver for a 20-month-old and right now he has to bounce from one house to another for childcare. This isn’t safe for him … Continued

U.S. Rescinds Plan to Strip Visas From International Students in Online Classes

The Trump administration said it would no longer require foreign students to attend in-person classes during the coronavirus pandemic in order to remain in the country. By Miriam Jordan and Anemona Hartocollis Published July 14, 2020|Updated July 15, 2020, 12:46 p.m. ET In a rare and … Continued

‘Something’s Gotta Give Here’: Urgent Action Demanded as 23 Million US Families Face Possible Eviction by October

Posted at Published on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 by Common Dreams “This is madness,” said Diane Yentel of the National Low Income Housing Coalition. “We need a national eviction moratorium and rent relief now.” By Julia Conley, staff writer … Continued

Tell Congress: Act to Prevent Department of Education from Funneling COVID-19 Aid to Private Schools

From Education Voters of Pennsylvania ( Betsy DeVos—and members of Congress who do not take action to stop her—are in the process of looting PA public schools by taking federal funding away from the poorest students in the state in … Continued