2018 State of the Child Profiles Released

From Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (http://www.papartnerships.org): Each year PPC releases county-based “State of the Child” profiles that provide a snapshot of child poverty, health care, educational opportunities and other important measures of children’s well-being in all 67 counties. You can … Continued

Support the Maternal Health Act

From Moms Rising (https://www.momsrising.org/): Add your signature here! https://action.momsrising.org/sign/Maternal_Health_Act/ Every year in the U.S., 700 to 900 women die from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes, and some 65,000 nearly die — in fact, the United States has the worst maternal death record … Continued

The Unacceptably High Cost of Jailing Children and Families Seeking Safety in the U.S.

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/07/13/unacceptably-high-cost-jailing-children-families-seeking-safety-u-s/#.W0juVdVKgdU By Deborah Weinstein July 13, 2018 The Trump Administration has started to reunite children torn from their parents at the border, partly complying with a judge’s order. Fifty-eight out of 103 children under the age of five have been returned … Continued