Call Your Representative to Support the Build Back Better Act

From Interfaith Power and Light (

For months, Congress has been negotiating the Build Back Better Act: a once-in-a-generation budget reconciliation package that may determine whether our country transitions to a clean energy economy and cares for the communities most hurt by fossil fuel pollution, or allows our warming climate to run out of control.

But earlier this week, House leadership announced plans to delay the Build Back Better Act indefinitely [1]. We are the first generation to be experiencing the impacts of a damaged climate and the last generation that will be able to do anything about it.

Please call your Representative today at and let her/him know that people of faith support this important climate legislation.

It’s critical that every member of Congress hear from faith constituents supporting the Build Back Better Act and its groundbreaking climate care provisions: 80% carbon-free electricity by 2030, big investments in wind, solar, and electric vehicles, and environmental justice provisions, like funding to remove every single lead water pipe across the country.

House leadership had committed to passing this crucial legislation by this week. But now, after months of work, leadership is telling lawmakers to forget about the Build Back Better Act and focus on the bipartisan infrastructure bill instead.

That bipartisan bill contains some pieces that are good and some that are not-so-good. Regardless, it simply isn’t a climate bill. That’s why we need the Build Back Better Act. Today is the day to let your Representative know that as a person of faith, the climate provisions of the Build Back Better Act are critically important to you and that you’re counting on the House to see them passed into law.

Call your representative and leave a message today!


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