From Oxfam America (
As you know, last week the United States launched airstrikes on a Syrian military target in retaliation for the chemical attacks on Syrian civilians in Idlib.
President Trump told the world that he was moved to take military action after viewing the shocking images of young Syrian victims of atrocious chemical weapons attacks. Yet, the innocent families who were killed in Idlib are no different than the people who are attempting to seek refuge in the US.
Oxfam is urging the President to change course on his discriminatory ban that blocks Syrian civilians from finding refuge in the United States. If we truly want to help protect the people of Syria, we must also be willing to offer assistance as they flee attacks in search of safety. We should be opening our hearts and doors to the most vulnerable, not slamming them shut.
In his few months as President, Trump has released two different executive orders blocking refugees, specifically calling out Syrian families and painting them as a terror threat.
While these executive orders hang in legal limbo, the international community as a whole must step up to offer safety from the violence that has forced more than half of Syria’s population to flee their homes. Years of attacks on civilians, conducted with impunity, have brought us to this moment. Now more than ever, Oxfam underscores the urgency of redoubling efforts to find a lasting peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis and to offer safe refuge for the Syrian people who are fleeing for their lives.
Crisis erupted in Syria over six years ago. Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, and more than 11 million people have been forced from their homes. As violence escalates we call on the President to drop his ban on refugees once and for all. Please take a minute to sign the petition at and share it with your friends and family:
- Tell @RealDonaldTrump: Families killed in Idlib are no different than those forced to flee homes as #refugees:
- In a time of crisis, we cannot slam the door on refugees #refugeeswelcome #syriastrikes
- If we truly want to help protect the people of #Syria, we must offer assistance as they flee in search of safety:
Thank you as always for all that you do.
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