Blue Theology Mission Station: An Opportunity for Youth

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From Creation Justice Ministries (

The Blue Theology Mission Station is a place where current science in marine biology meets a theology of creation care. As a partner of Creation Justice Ministries, Blue Theology provides opportunities for youth groups to have learning and serving experiences in ocean stewardship.

Youth groups from across the country are invited to attend a week of camp to learn and serve God’s Marine Creation. Currently, Blue Theology has openings for its Mission Outpost in Texas City, TX.

Do you have a youth group you’d like to take to the Blue Theology Mission Station?
Send in an interest form by clicking here!

Watch our June 2021 “Resilient Ocean” webinar to learn more about Blue Theology Mission Station:

Other Blue Theology Opportunities:

We are looking for congregations to support Blue Theology outposts on the North Carolina coast and in the Cape Cod area. If you would be interested in learning more, email Blue Theology Director Rev. Daniel Paul (

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