U.S. Department of Education Finally Begins to Regulate Charters: Thank You Sen. Sherrod Brown

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Posted at https://janresseger.wordpress.com/2016/09/20/u-s-department-of-education-finally-begins-to-regulate-charters-thank-you-sen-sherrod-brown/ Charter Schools are defined by their freedom from regulation and oversight, but that freedom has been so regularly abused by unscrupulous operators that it seems the U.S. Department of Education is finally deciding to crack down, under … Continued

It’s Time: Broad Progressive Coalition Launches New Push for Public Option

Posted at http://www.commondreams.org/news/2016/09/15/its-time-broad-progressive-coalition-launches-new-push-public-option Published on Thursday, September 15, 2016 by Common Dreams With a congressional resolution and a grassroots campaign, ‘this as the most significant healthcare push by Democrats since the passage of Obamacare’ By Deirdre Fulton, staff writer “All … Continued

Americans Really, Really Don’t Like Partisan Politicking From The Pulpit—Sign Petition Opposing It

Posted at http://au.org/blogs/wall-of-separation/americans-really-really-don-t-like-partisan-politicking-from-the-pulpit Sep 14, 2016 by Simon Brown in Wall of Separation There has been more debate than ever this campaign season about whether or not houses of worship should be permitted to endorse or oppose candidates for office. This is mostly … Continued

An Extraordinary Year of Income Growth in Pennsylvania

Posted at http://thirdandstate.org/2016/september/extraordinary-year-income-growth-pennsylvania Sep 16, 2016 10:11 am | Mark Price The Census Bureau released data from the American Community Survey showing that median household incomes in Pennsylvania rose by just over $2,400 in the last year, strong evidence that … Continued

Act Now to Stop Government Shutdown, Provide Funding for Flint and Zika

From the Coalition on Human Needs (http://www.chn.org): The federal government is less than a week away from shutting down for lack of funding. The Flint lead poisoning, spread of Zika, and flooding in Louisiana are all emergencies demanding Congress’ action. … Continued