Casey Announces Voting Decision on Three Top Cabinet Nominees

DeVos, Sessions, and Pruitt All To Receive “No” Vote From PA Senator  WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) is ready to announce after deliberations, hearings, and review of available paperwork that he will vote “no” on President-elect … Continued

Check Out Sanctuary and Opportunities to Stand with Vulnerable Immigrants

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From the PICO National Network ( Most nights, 5-year-old Javier Jr. sleeps away from home with his father in a basement at Arch Street United Methodist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, because he just wants to be near his dad. Javier … Continued

Budget Office Report: GOP Healthcare Repeal Would Strip Insurance from 32 Million People

Posted at Published on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 by Common Dreams Despite having no replacement in line, both chambers of Congress brought the ACA one step closer to repeal earlier this month By Nadia Prupis, staff writer House Speaker … Continued