Ahistorical and Wrong–on Police Body Cameras and Other Things

  Are police body cameras designed to scrutinize police work? Photo via Utility, Inc. By Matt Stroud, Criminal justice researcher, ACLU of Pennsylvania I thought I’d misheard him. At a Duquesne University conference on a Friday afternoon in late January, John … Continued

Mariner East Pipelines Proceed, as Challenges Continue

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Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-03-17/environment/mariner-east-pipelines-proceed-as-challenges-continue/a56904-1 March 17, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The Mariner East II pipeline route runs more than 300 miles across 17 Pennsylvania counties. (gokul/Pixabay) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Environmental groups are … Continued

Though Temporarily Blocked, Act to Tell Our Senators to Stop the Muslim Ban from Harming Families

From Amnesty International USA (http://www.amnestyusa.org): Fatima’s sons narrowly survived bombs and bullets in Yemen. They hid under the stairs as bombs rained down on their neighborhood. They survived on stale bread and water. Eventually, they literally made a run for … Continued

Trump Budget Shuts Down Chesapeake Bay Clean-Up–Call Your Rep, Senators

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From PennFuture (http://www.pennfuture.org): The White House released its 2018 federal budget proposal, which includes draconian cuts to investment in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Alarmingly, President Trump’s proposal slashes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s annual Chesapeake Bay Program budget from $73 … Continued

Fairness, Progress and Greatness Trumped in Partial Budget; Investments in People Sacrificed

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/03/16/fairness-progress-greatness-trumped-partial-budget-investments-people-sacrificed/#.WMq3_m8rIdU By Deborah Weinstein March 16, 2017 The dark and dangerous priorities of the Trump Administration are laid bare in its first budget submission.  The winners are military contractors and tough guy ideologues.  The losers are the American people. … Continued

New Poor People’s Campaign Bible Study Series #1: The Good Samaritan

From the Kairos Center (https://kairoscenter.org/): This Bible study is the first in a series developed to foster conversations about the biblical and theological significance of the New Poor People’s Campaign. Included in this Bible study are the story of the … Continued