New Report Confirms Assumptions About PA Coverage Losses Under GOP Health Care Plan

Posted at Mar 17, 2017 07:00 pm | Marc Stier A new study from the Center for America Progress estimates that 970,000 fewer Pennsylvanians will have health insurance if the GOP health care plan is adopted by Congress. The … Continued

Tell Congress to Oppose Funding for Trump’s Wall, Deportation Force & Detention Centers

From Church World Service ( Background: President Trump has issued multiple executive orders that target immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and Muslims. Plans are being made to build a border wall and more detention centers, and our undocumented community members have been … Continued

Contact Congress: Don’t Loosen Rules on Civilian Casualties/Stop CIA Drone Strikes

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture ( Recent reports indicate that President Trump has given the CIA the authority to carry out more drone strikes and that he may be loosening the rules on civilian casualties for both the … Continued

President Trump’s Budget Poses Grave Danger to Wellbeing of Hard-Working Poor and Low-Income People—and the Nation’s Economy

Posted at March 17, 2017   Washington, D.C., March 17, 2017—The budget proposed by President Trump signals a disturbing and perilous vision for America that abandons the millions of low- and moderate-income people who are working hard to strengthen their … Continued

Trump Budget Slashes Programs That Work Just Fine

Posted at By Deborah Weinstein March 17, 2017 So the first part of the Trump budget is out, and it is one of the clearest examples of upside-down priorities you’re likely to see. It cuts funds from programs serving our … Continued

Election Security in America

From Committee of Seventy ( Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill, president of the National Association of Secretaries of State (Photo: The Pew Charitable Trusts) Voter fraud is “highly unusual,” National Association of Secretaries of State president Denise Merrill tells … Continued

Purple America Has All but Disappeared

From Committee of Seventy ( Counties where 2016 presidential candidates won the two-party popular vote by more than 20 percentage points (FiveThirtyEight) This FiveThirtyEight analysis puts our polarization right in your face: the only areas that aren’t colored in are … Continued