Nearly 300 Legal Experts: Attorney General Sessions Wrong on “Sanctuary” Cities

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From the Immigrant Legal Resources Center ( Attorney General Falsely Claims “Sanctuary” Cities Violate Federal Law WASHINGTON, D.C. — This morning, during a press briefing at the White House, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made several erroneous remarks concerning so-called … Continued

Coalition Takes Trump’s Order to Pillage Public Lands for Coal to Court

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 by Common Dreams “This isn’t putting Americans first, this is putting corporate polluters first.” By Andrea Germanos, staff writer The Tongue River is downstream from the Decker Mine. (Photo: Colin Ruggiero … Continued

New Poor People’s Campaign Bible Study Series #3: A Revolution of Values

From the Kairos Center ( Commemorate the 50th anniversary of Beyond Vietnam by using this Bible study, the third in a series developed to foster conversations about the biblical and theological significance of the New Poor People’s Campaign, which pairs an excerpt of … Continued

Report: 102 Pennsylvanians Were Killed by Domestic Violence Last Year

From the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence ( Illustration via PCADV’s 2016 Fatality Report. 102 people were killed by domestic violence in Pennsylvania last year, according to a new report released by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Fifty-six of … Continued

Speak Out Against Executive Order on Environmental Regulations

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From Interfaith Power and Light ( Donald Trump has issued an executive order to turn back the clock on the climate progress we have made over the past decade. Let him hear from you at (NOTE: see note at … Continued