Philadelphia’s School District Finds Creative Ways to Ensure Kids Eat Breakfast

Posted at, March 12, 2017 Since moving school breakfast into the classroom, Philadelphia’s H.A. Brown School has seen participation increase from 30 percent of students to more than 70 percent of students. Wayne Grasela, the school district’s senior … Continued

Deportation Fears Prompt Immigrants to Cancel Food Stamps

Posted at NPR, March 28, 2017 The current administration’s tough stance on immigration is causing many lawful permanent residents to cancel their SNAP benefits. “Which is really frightening because these are families that are often working minimum-wage jobs, trying … Continued

KRC on U.S. Senate Action to Prevent Cities from Improving Retirement Security for Private Sector Workers

Posted at Mar 31, 2017 04:39 pm | Stephen Herzenberg We issued the following statement in my name this week in response to the U.S. Senate vote on H.J. Resolution 67 blocking a rule that would make it easier … Continued

Why Are Americans So Afraid?

From the Project on Government Oversight ( Posted at The national jitteriness fuels unnecessary Pentagon spending increases By: Mark Thompson | March 27, 2017 U.S. soldiers support the Iraqi army with mortar fire near Al Tarab, Iraq, March 14, 2017. Photo: U.S. Army/Sgt. Thomas … Continued

Speak Out Against Plans to Revive the Worst of the TPP through NAFTA

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From the Citizens Trade Campaign ( The Trump administration’s leaked plan to “tweak” the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) confirms one of our worst fears: that President Trump is poised to let big corporations dictate how NAFTA is rewritten. … Continued

Tell Congress to Protect Critical Housing & Community Development Programs

From Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania ( The Administration has proposed to cut this year’s funding for critical housing and community development programs. This is in addition to cuts that have been proposed for fiscal year 2018. We can’t wait to … Continued