We Must Have Missed the Memo (on pre-k investments)

Posted at http://thirdandstate.org/2017/april/guest-blogger-we-must-have-missed-memo Apr 10, 2017 11:55 am | Guest Blogger by Jin David Kim, Communications Director, PCCY Some state representatives, siding with the research and the will of the people they represent, have boarded the quality pre-k train only … Continued

Kansas Legislature Passes Medicaid Expansion, Remaining States Should Too

Posted at http://www.clasp.org/issues/work-supports/in-focus/kansas-legislature-passes-medicaid-expansion-remaining-states-should-too Mar 30, 2017 By Jessica Gehr On Tuesday, the overwhelmingly Republican Kansas state Senate passed a bill by a 25 to 14 majority that would expand Medicaid coverage to over 150,000 people.  This bill had previously passed the House … Continued

New Poll Shows Overwhelming Small Business Support for FAMILY Act

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Posted at http://www.clasp.org/issues/work-life-and-job-quality/in-focus/new-poll-shows-overwhelming-small-business-support-for-family-act Mar 30, 2017 By Liz Ben-Ishai Small businesses would welcome a paid family and medical leave insurance program, according to a new poll by Small Business Majority (SBM) and Center for American Progress (CAP). The poll finds that 70 percent … Continued

Speaking Out in Pennsylvania

We invite you to support this very important ministry! Please consider making a generous contribution at https://www.pachurches.org/shop/ (you may also make this a recurring contribution). March 30, 2017 – By Diana Williams MCC photo/Diana Williams Rev. Sandra Strauss, Director of Advocacy & Ecumenical … Continued

Tell the White House—US Should Be a Safe Place for Refugees

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (http://www.nrcat.org): Thursday night, President Trump responded to the Syrian government’s use of chemical weapons on its own people by bombing an air base in Syria.  President Trump said of the chemical attack: “It … Continued