‘Confessing Faculty’ Denounce Sins of the Trump Era

Posted at https://baptistnews.com/article/confessing-faculty-denounce-sins-trump-era/#.WO-0W_nysdV By Bob Allen, Baptist News Global More than 1,100 professors at Christian colleges across the country have signed a “Confessing Faculty” document acknowledging sins of omission that echoes an 83-year-old statement denouncing the corruption of Protestant churches … Continued

Faith Groups to Congress: Do Not Politicize Our Houses of Worship

Posted at http://bjconline.org/CommunityNotCandidates/ We focus on #CommunityNotCandidates A diverse group of 99 religious and denominational organizations are urging Congress to maintain current law that protects houses of worship and other religious nonprofit organizations from political pressure and additional dangers that come … Continued

Congress Is Home for Recess – Time to Talk! Here’s Three Ways…

Posted at http://www.chn.org/2017/04/10/congress-home-recess-time-talk/#.WO0YA_krIdU By Deborah Weinstein April 10, 2017 It’s time to talk to your members of Congress! Representatives and Senators have left Washington for a two-week recess, April 7 – 23. During the last recess, the outpouring of outrage about … Continued

Report: Vouchers Fund PA Religious, Private Schools with Taxpayer Dollars

Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-04-10/education/report-vouchers-fund-pa-religious-private-schools-with-taxpayer-dollars/a57195-1 April 10, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window A report found a significant number of religious schools that receive vouchers teach creationism as science. (John Scalz/Flickr) HARRISBURG, Penn. — A … Continued

A Stunning Priority in the PA House Budget—Tax Dollars for Private Schools

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From Education Voters of Pennsylvania (http://www.educationvoterspa.org/): Advancing the Betsy DeVos school privatization agenda has emerged as a top budget priority for PA House members, even though this will provide very little or no benefit to the communities many rural lawmakers represent. On … Continued