Sign Letter Urging Congress Not to Permit Houses of Worship to Be Used as Political Tools

From Americans United for Separation of Church and State ( Throughout his campaign and presidency, the current president has repeatedly promised to “destroy” a law known as the Johnson Amendment. This law protects the integrity of houses of worship, by ensuring … Continued

Federal Methane Rule Survives Challenge

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Posted at May 11, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Leaks, venting and flaring on federal lands releases 110 billion cubic feet of gas a year. (Tim Evanson/Flickr) HARRISBURG, Pa. – The … Continued

When Protests Are Powerful, The Powerful Punish Protest

Posted at May 10, 2017 Libero Della Piana When people feel powerless – locked out of decision-making, bypassed by real governance – they turn to protest. Especially for the disenfranchised and oppressed, protest is often the only way to … Continued