What Would an Adequate Pennsylvania Budget Look Like This Year?

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Posted at http://www.thirdandstate.org/2017/june/what-would-adequate-pennsylvania-budget-look-year Jun 15, 2017 05:55 pm | Marc Stier A really good budget for Pennsylvania would begin addressing our long-term public investment deficit. It would provide new funds to: eliminate our worst-in-the-nation inequality in K-12 school funding; expand … Continued

Report: PA Needs to Boost Services for Seniors

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Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-06-15/senior-issues/report-pa-needs-to-boost-services-for-seniors/a58143-1 June 15, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The majority of older Pennsylvanians want to live independently, at home, as they age. (Tunstall/Flickr) HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania has made some … Continued

Tell Secretary Zinke: Continue to Protect Special Areas in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska

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From the Alaska Wilderness League (http://www.alaskawild.org): We’ve all seen the pictures: oil and birds do not mix. Yet, Interior Secretary Zinke could expose Teshekpuk Lake – a protected Special Area with the highest density of shorebirds in the Arctic – … Continued

With Public Pensions Done, It’s Time Now for a Victory on Retirement Security…and a Great State Budget

Posted at http://www.thirdandstate.org/2017/june/public-pensions-done-it%E2%80%99s-time-now-victory-retirement-securityand-great-state-budget Jun 12, 2017 03:13 pm | Stephen Herzenberg Roughly five years after Gov. Corbett first began an effort to eliminate guaranteed pensions for future school and state employees, Gov. Wolf today signed a bill that reduces the … Continued

Kansas’ Experiment Yields Valuable Lessons

posted in: Tax Policy, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at http://www.thirdandstate.org/2017/june/kansas%E2%80%99-experiment-yields-valuable-lessons Jun 09, 2017 03:59 pm The following post was written by Heidi Holliday, Executive Director at Kansas Center for Economic Growth.  You’re welcome, America. Our state, Kansas, just wrapped up a 5-year long experiment in governance from … Continued

Good News! Clean Slate Bill Begins to Move

Under Pennsylvania’s “Clean Slate” bill, records of minor, non-violent misdemeanor convictions will automatically be sealed from public viewing after 10 conviction-free years. Photo from Steven Gottlieb via The Atlantic. By Andy Hoover, Communications Director, American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania This … Continued