Industry Was Doubly Generous With These 13 GOP Senators Now Drafting Trumpcare

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 by Common Dreams NOTE: PA Senator Toomey has received over $350,000 from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. While baker’s dozen of Republicans’ all-male, all-white legislative team draft bill in secret, analysis … Continued

‘The Sky Didn’t Fall’: Study on Seattle $15 Minimum Wage Proves Critics Wrong

Posted at Published on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 by Common Dreams “These findings are consistent with the lion’s share of rigorous academic minimum wage research studies” By Jake Johnson, staff writer “Seattle’s minimum wage hike up to $15 didn’t … Continued

Sign Petition to Take On Big Pharma, Drive Down Drug Prices

From Public Citizen ( “The pharmaceutical industry is getting away with murder.” That’s what Donald Trump said back in January. Now, President Trump is writing an executive order that will keep medicine prices high and increase them abroad. Tell Congress: … Continued

Senate Moving on Health Care—Act Now, and Join a Health Care Vigil Tomorrow!

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network ( New vigils added in Harrisburg and Allentown. See other vigils below. NOTE: For a link to what you can do in addition to or if you can’t attend a vigil, go to … Continued

Support Adequate Funding for State Food Purchase Program & Pennsylvania Agricultural Surplus System

From Hunger-Free Pennsylvania ( If you agree with the message below go to TO TAKE ACTION TODAY! Please feel free to share this message far and wide! As a constituent who cares about the people in our community struggling … Continued

Concerns About School Funding as PA Budget Deadline Nears

Posted at June 21, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Pennsylvania legislators are trying to close the state budget gap without raising new revenue. (Jim Bowen/Flickr) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Education advocates in … Continued

Apply Now for EPLC’s 2017-2018 PA Education Policy Fellowship Program

posted in: Education, Uncategorized | 0

Applications are available now for the 2017-2018 Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP).  The Education Policy Fellowship Program is sponsored in Pennsylvania by The Education Policy and Leadership Center (EPLC). Click here for the program calendar of sessions. With more than 500 … Continued

VICTORY: State Supreme Court Rules Leasing Public Land for Fracking Betrayed Government’s Constitutional Duties

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennFuture ( Today (June 20), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that the state government must act as trustees for public natural resources under the Environmental Rights Amendment. The decision overturns a lower court decision and rules that the state … Continued