Urge Resolutions to Push Congress to Pass Human and Environmental Needs Budget

This week the U.S. Conference of Mayors passed three resolutions urging Congress to move money out of the military and into human and environmental needs — exactly the reverse of Trump’s budget. Those historic actions came after more than 20,000 … Continued

Effects of U.S. Senate Health Care Bill on Pennsylvania

Posted at https://www.thirdandstate.org/2017/june/memo-effects-us-senate-health-care-bill-pennsylvania Jun 28, 2017 03:04 pm | Marc Stier MEMO To: Interested Parties From: Marc Stier, Director, Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center Date: June 28, 2017 Re: Effects of U.S. Senate Health Care Bill on Pennsylvania The Pennsylvania … Continued

Part I: Pennsylvania’s Water Crisis Challenges Impacting Every Community

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From PennFuture (http://www.pennfuture.org): By Matthew Stepp, PennFuture Director of Policy; and Jan Jarrett, Communications, Policy and Outreach Consultant When astronomers discover planets orbiting far-off stars, they assess whether or not that world could support life by determining if water is present. … Continued

Senate Education Committee Voted Bad Charter School Bill Out of Committee

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From Education Voters of Pennsylvania (http://www.educationvoterspa.org/): Pennsylvania’s Senate Education Committee voted HB 97, the charter school expansion bill, out of committee yesterday (June 29th). HB 97 was amended to ELIMINATE the $27 million in savings school districts would have received … Continued

Teachers Oppose Guns-in-School Bill

Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-06-29/education/teachers-oppose-guns-in-school-bill/a58325-2 June 29, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Bill 383 would allow school teachers and other personnel to have access to firearms in school buildings. (Webmaster102/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. — … Continued

Opponents Say Police Body Cam Bill Hinders Access

Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-06-29/civil-rights/opponents-say-police-body-cam-bill-hinders-access/a58325-1 June 29, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Body cams were intended to increase police accountability and transparency. (Sanderflight/Wikimedia Commons) HARRISBURG, Pa. – A bill that opponents say would restrict … Continued

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Met With Dow CEO Just Before Killing Effort to Ban Toxic Pesticide

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/06/28/epa-chief-scott-pruitt-met-dow-ceo-just-killing-effort-ban-toxic-pesticide Published on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 by Common Dreams New reporting by Associated Press begs further questions about administration’s denial of science, coziness with industry By Andrea Germanos, staff writer EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt rejected a proposed ban on … Continued