Sign Open Letter to Media: Call the Hate Groups What They Are

From Moms Rising ( This weekend, we watched in horror as white supremacists and Nazis marched through the streets of Charlottesville, VA, inciting violence that caused the death of at least one peaceful anti-racism demonstrator. There’s no question that the … Continued

Federal Agencies Warned of White Supremacist Threat in May

Posted at Published on Monday, August 14, 2017 by Common Dreams A memo by the FBI and DHS said white supremacist groups pose a bigger threat to the U.S. than other extremist organizations By Julia Conley, staff writer White … Continued

Tell Congress: Stand with Immigrant Youth

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( Right now, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is under an immediate, existential threat. Ten attorneys general have threatened to sue President Trump if he doesn’t terminate the DACA program by September … Continued

Smart Justice Campaign Director—ACLU, Harrisburg

JOB TYPE: Full Time PUBLISHED: 07/19/2017 ADDRESS: Harrisburg, PA, United States DESCRIPTION The ACLU of Pennsylvania (ACLU-PA) seeks a Campaign Director to lead its statewide multi-year Smart Justice campaign to drastically reduce the commonwealth’s jail and prison populations and to combat racial … Continued