Report: Oil, Gas Pollution has Outsized Impact on African-Americans in PA

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Posted at November 30, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Nationally more than 1 million African-Americans live within half a mile of existing natural gas facilities. (dbchandler/Pixabay) PHILADELPHIA – A new report … Continued

Tell Congress: Improve Healthy Food Access, Sponsor the Local FARMS Act

From the Union of Concerned Scientists ( Every five years, the Farm Bill—a massive legislative package that shapes our food choices and how farmers grow our food—comes up for renewal. That means that every five years, UCS supporters like you … Continued

Call Today: Tell Congress to Pass a Clean DREAM Act by December 31

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( President Trump is meeting with congressional leadership to discuss legislative priorities. It is critical our Senators and Representatives hear their constituents call on Congress to prioritize dreamers and pass the Dream Act by year’s … Continued

Tell Congress That You Stand with Haitian Temporary Protected Status Holders

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( Last night, the administration terminated the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Haiti, effective July 22, 2019. This decision illustrates the administration’s prioritization of anti-immigrant sentiment over an honest assessment of in-country conditions. It also … Continued

With Tax Hikes for Working Class, CBO Shows Senate GOP Plan ‘Steals From Poor, Gives to Rich’

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Posted at Published on Monday, November 27, 2017 by Common Dreams New report shows that in 2027, taxpayers making up to $75,000 would see a tax hike By Andrea Germanos, staff writer Senate Finance Committee chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) … Continued

Wildlife Advocates Condemn Drilling Plan

Posted at November 27, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is habitat for migratory birds, polar bears, moose and herds of caribou. (LoveToTakePictures/Pixabay) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Conservationists … Continued

New Study Reaches a Stunning Conclusion about the Cost of Solar and Wind Energy

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Posted at Building new renewables is now cheaper than just running old coal and nuclear plants. Joe Romm Nov 20, 2017, 11:34 am   In one of the fastest and most astonishing turnarounds in the history of energy, building … Continued