Signaling More Independence from the US, the World Bank Phases Out Its Support for Fossil Fuels

January 16, 2018 10.12pm EST •Updated January 17, 2018 4.02pm EST Jason Kirk Associate Professor of Political Science and Policy Studies, Elon University World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, left, and French President Emmanuel Macron. AP Photo/Francois Mori The World Bank, which provides … Continued

Report Shows PA Lagging in Pre-K

Posted at January 17, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Pennsylvania ranks 18th out of 30 states with publicly funded pre-K. (Floridanana/Pixabay) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Investing in pre-K is investing in a … Continued

Send Some Love to Elected Officials and Say…Time to Abolish the Death Penalty

From Pennsylvanians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty ( February 13th marks the two-year anniversary of Governor Wolf’s declaration of a moratorium on executions. Send some love via postcard to tell your elected officials that now is the time to … Continued

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Smacks Down GOP Gerrymandered Congressional Map

Posted at Published on Monday, January 22, 2018 by Common Dreams Decision hailed as ‘major victory for all Pennsylvanians’ By Andrea Germanos, staff writer Thanks to the new decision, said the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, “The new maps could … Continued

Court Orders New Pennsylvania Congressional District Map, Says It Favored GOP

Posted at By Eric Bradner, CNN Updated 2:41 PM ET, Mon January 22, 2018 Washington (CNN)The Pennsylvania Supreme Court threw out the state’s congressional map Monday, ruling that Republican-drawn districts “clearly, plainly and palpably” violate the state’s constitution and ordering … Continued

Trump’s Medicaid Work Requirements: Meet Real Life

Posted at By Lecia Imbery January 12, 2018  “There’s a stereotype that disability recipients don’t want to work. The reality is very different.” On Jan. 10, the Washington Post published a piece highlighting five Americans who receive federal disability benefits; the quote … Continued

Protect the Dreamers, Children’s Health, and Disaster Victims in the Stopgap Bill

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( Today – Friday, January 19 – is the deadline for Congress to act on continuing government funding.  But other urgent measures are also long overdue.  Every day, another 122 Dreamers lose legal status … Continued