Fueled by Broken Social Contract, Study Finds Inequality and Despair Driving US Life Expectancy Down

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/02/08/fueled-broken-social-contract-study-finds-inequality-and-despair-driving-us-life Published on Thursday, February 08, 2018 by Common Dreams While the U.S. is still extremely rich nation, “its wealth is not inclusive” and “the ‘American dream’ is increasingly out of reach” By Julia Conley, staff writer A … Continued

Overnight Shutdown Ends after Budget and Spending Deal is Reached

Posted at https://www.chn.org/human_needs_report/chn-overnight-shutdown-ends-budget-spending-deal-reached/#.Wn4BnCXwYdV February 9, 2018 An hours-long government shutdown ended in the early morning hours on Feb. 9 after the House and Senate agreed to pass a stopgap spending bill. This time, Congress was finally able to come to … Continued

Paid Family and Medical Leave Means a Stronger Nation

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/02/07/17848/#.Wnyn-q6nEdU By National Partnership for Women & Families February 7, 2018 Editor’s note: This piece was written by Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families. It was originally published on Medium and on the National Partnership’s blogon … Continued

It Takes FIVE MILLION Gallons of Freshwater to Frack a Single Gas Well

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Posted at https://www.nationofchange.org/2018/02/01/takes-five-million-gallons-freshwater-frack-single-gas-well/ Five million gallons equals 250,000 bathtubs, or seven Olympic-sized swimming pools. Ruth Milka / NationofChange / News Report – February 1, 2018 We know that fracking is fueling climate change, damaging kids’ brains, endangering nearby water supplies, polluting the air, and threatening the health … Continued

Governor’s Budget Invests More in Early Learning, K-12, and Strong Parenting

From Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (http://www.papartnerships.org): We’re happy to report that Governor Wolf’s proposed 2018-19 includes substantial investments in early learning, K-12 education and efforts to support strong parenting. See line items related to children’s investments. Below is PPC’s recap … Continued