Sign On to Extend Nepal Temporary Protected Status

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( Faith Leaders: Sign On Today! We invite faith leaders across traditions to sign on to a letter at urging the administration to extend Nepal’s TPS designation for at least another 18 months. Failure to extend TPS for Nepal would … Continued

Computer Scientist Barbara Simons Proves How Easy It Is To Hack Elections—And How It Can Be Stopped

Posted at By Leslie Salzillo Thursday Mar 08, 2018 · 5:15 AM EST In 2016, American election systems in 39 states were reportedly hacked and/or compromised by corrupt leaders in office and by foreign and domestic entities. How that corruption affected election results is still unknown—and may … Continued

Speak Up to Support a Fair, Accurate Census

From Common Cause ( We deserve a fair, accurate Census in 2020 — but the Trump administration just announced their plan to rig it.1 We need your voice to fight back—go to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross announced his plan … Continued

The Real Reasoning Behind Medicaid Work Requirements

Posted at By Lecia Imbery March 9, 2018 Back in January, I wrote a piece for this blog about a move by the Trump administration to allow states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. Since then, three states – Kentucky, Indiana, … Continued