New Polling Shows Pennsylvanians Overwhelmingly Support Additional Investment in K-12 Education

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From the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center ( In a statewide poll commissioned by the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center, results show that a lack of state funding for public education is at odds with the priorities of Pennsylvanians of … Continued

Report Calls for Reforming Juvenile Probation

Posted at May 10, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window A new report on juvenile detention says adolescents are motivated more by rewards and incentives than by threats of punishment. (eric_urquhart/Twenty20) HARRISBURG, … Continued

Pennsylvanians Oppose Taxpayer Funds for Private Schools, Support Resources for Struggling Public Schools

posted in: Education, Uncategorized | 0

From the Pennsylvania School Board Association ( The results of a new public opinion poll show most Pennsylvanians are opposed to giving parents taxpayer-funded vouchers to send their children to private schools and prefer investing state funds to strengthen resources … Continued

Broad Support for Increasing the Minimum Wage in Pennsylvania

From the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center ( A statewide poll commissioned by the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center, a project of the Keystone Research Center, shows strong support in Pennsylvania for raising the minimum wage. The poll conducted in … Continued

Tell Congress: Don’t Scale Back Consumer Protections for Homebuyers and Fair Lending Requirements

This week, the House is expected to swiftly vote on the “Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act,” the harmful banking bill that was recently passed in the Senate. If passed in its current form in the House and signed into … Continued

CHN Urges Congress to Reject Trump Cuts that Undermine Children’s Health Program and Break Agreement to Lift Spending Caps to Meet Needs

Posted at By CHN May 8, 2018 Editor’s note: Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Tuesday, May 8 in response to the Trump Administration’s rescissions package:  “The members of the Coalition … Continued