Submit Your Comments for a Fair, Accurate Census

From Common Cause ( We need a fair, accurate Census in 2020 — but the administration is attempting to rig it and leave many of our communities undercounted. Submit a comment now to fight back at We need your … Continued

Act TODAY to Stop Anti-Immigrant Legislation

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( Today, the House of Representatives will consider H.R.6136, the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act, an anti-immigrant, anti-family bill that would do nothing to stop family separation. Instead, it would tie dreamer protections with harmful immigration … Continued

House Passes Farm Bill That Would Make Hunger, Poverty Worse

posted in: Human Needs, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Statement attributed to James D. Weill, President, Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) WASHINGTON, June 21, 2018 — The passage of the House Farm Bill, H.R. 2, betrays the historic bipartisan commitment to making sure people who … Continued

Tell PA Legislative Leaders: Your Work is Not Done on Redistricting!

From Fair Districts PA ( On Monday, our PA legislature recessed for the summer without passing either of the redistricting reform bills that had the support of tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians and hundreds of municipalities. Go to to … Continued

Philadelphia Resolution Calls for Closure of Berks County Residential Center

A RESOLUTION Affirming that the imprisonment and prolonged detention of asylum-seeking children and families is inhumane and counter to international law, and calling on Governor Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services to issue an emergency removal order and … Continued

Act to Stop Fast-Track Proposal to Open Delaware Basin to Fracking

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennEnvironment ( Politicians in Harrisburg are attempting to fast-track a proposal that would undermine efforts to preserve the Delaware River Basin from fracking. Email your state senator at and call on her/him to oppose this effort. We always … Continued

We Must End Family Detention to End Family Separation

From the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition ( June 21, 2018 Yesterday the President announced he is ending the policy of separating families at the border and instead wants to detain families together indefinitely. This is a cruel response to the … Continued

Executive Order Fails to End Persecution of Immigrant and Refugee Families

Church World Service urges the administration to terminate immoral policies that harm families Washington, D.C.— Church World Service today condemned the administration’s executive order to mandate that immigrant families be held in family detention. Instead of terminating the administration’s cruel … Continued