Watch Video About Clean Energy, Solar Jobs

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From PennEnvironment ( With the support of CUSP (Climate and Urban Systems Partnership) and environmental documentary film maker Ben Kalina (Founder/Director of Mangrove Media), PennEnvironment is releasing this video highlighting the clean energy and job opportunities from solar energy in Pennsylvania. The … Continued

Support Real Criminal Justice Reform

From the National Council of Churches ( Senate considering two very different proposals The Senate is currently considering two legislative proposals that will affect incarcerated persons in different ways. A prison reform only measure, the FIRST STEP Act (S 2795), … Continued

Rigged: New Report Details How Combined $5.1 Trillion in Tax Cuts by Administrations Since 200 Went Mostly to Nation’s Richest

Posted at “When people demand specifics on how to pay for expansions to social insurance, income supports, and public investments, seems like part of the answer is just ‘we could stop doing this.’” Published on Wednesday, July 11, 2018 … Continued

Three New Jersey Counties Raking in Millions on Immigration Crackdown

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at July 13, 2018 By Kelly Heyboer | NJ Advance Media for Some of New Jersey’s biggest county governments are taking in millions of dollars by holding detained immigrants for the federal government as the Trump administration … Continued