On Missouri Voters’ Repeal of Anti-Union ‘Right to Work’ Law

Posted at https://www.nelp.org/news-releases/missouri-voters-repeal-anti-union-right-work-law/ Posted August 7, 2018 In response to the Proposition A veto referendum in which Missouri voters resoundingly repealed Senate Bill 19, the state’s right-to-work law, Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project, issued the … Continued

We Did It! 250,000 Comments Submitted. You Demanded A Fair and Thorough 2020 Census.

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/08/08/250000-comments-submitted-demanded-fair-thorough-2020-census/#.W2xJ3M5KgdU By David Elliot August 8, 2018 We’ve been telling you about efforts by the Administration to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census – you can read earlier posts about this issue here and here. Together with a broad and … Continued

Act Now for Alternatives, Reduced Funding for Immigrant Detention

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From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture (http://www.nrcat.org): The family separation crisis happening at the border is a human rights disaster, not to mention the Administration’s “zero tolerance” and other anti-immigrant policies. Families are still arriving, seeking to escape physical … Continued

Seven Reasons that Short-Term Health Plans Are Harmful to Families

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/08/07/seven-reasons-the-trump-administrations-short-term-health-plans-are-harmful-to-families/#.W2n3J9VKgdU By Families USA August 7, 2018 Editor’s note: This piece was written by Cheryl Fish-Parcham, Director of Access Initiatives at Families USA. It was originally posted on Families USA’s website on August 1. For more information on the so-called “short-term insurance” … Continued