Nearly 600 U.S. Catholic Institutions Declare “We Are Still In” on the Paris Climate Agreement

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Catholic Bishop Decries the “Immorality of Inaction” and the U.S. Reversal on the Paris Climate Agreement on the Third Anniversary of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’ WASHINGTON, D.C. –Nearly 600 U.S. Catholic institutions—including dioceses, communities of men and women religious, health … Continued

PPC Posts Annual State of Children’s Health Care

From Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children ( Each year, PPC compiles the State of Children’s Health Care data to track children’s health indicators in Pennsylvania as it relates to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and monitors changes over … Continued

First Day Fairness: An Agenda to Build Worker Power and Ensure Job Quality

From the Economic Policy Institute ( In a new policy agenda, EPI’s Heidi Shierholz, Celine McNicholas, and Samantha Sanders detail how labor protections in the United States have been rigged against working people. The First Day Fairness agenda provides a … Continued

Farm Bill Amendment Would Ban SNAP for Formerly Incarcerated

Posted at By Darrel Thompson As the U.S. House and Senate reconcile two very different farm bills, formerly incarcerated people are at risk of losing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food assistance. Representative George Holding (R-NC) filed a troubling amendment that was … Continued