Protect Old Growth Forest in Tongass

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( This crucial rule keeps America’s forests healthy and protected from logging and development, and dismantling it could re-start industrial scale, clear-cut old-growth logging in Southeast Alaska, putting stands of 500-year-old trees on the chopping … Continued

Who’s Using the Social Safety Net? More and More, It’s the Middle Class

From the Food Research and Action Center ( The Fiscal Times, September 4, 2018 The Brookings Institute reports that middle-class income groups accounted for 23 percent of means-tested social welfare spending in 1979, but that number increased to about 46 … Continued

Sign Petition to Protect Endangered Species

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From the Union of Concerned Scientists ( The agencies tasked with protecting species under the law—the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)—are proposing to make listing decisions based on economics and remove considering climate … Continued