Wheeler Visit to Oil and Gas Conference Highlights Methane Concerns

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Posted at https://www.publicnewsservice.org/2018-10-24/climate-change-air-quality/wheeler-visit-to-oil-and-gas-conference-highlights-methane-concerns/a64396-1 October 24, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Pennsylvania is the nation’s second-largest methane producer and a major source of methane emissions. (anita_starzycka/Pixabay) PITTSBURGH – Environmental advocates say acting Environmental … Continued

Familias Separadas Public Art Installations in Harrisburg—October 26-November 18

Based on the interviews of 5 mothers formerly detained at the Berks family prison, artist Michelle Angela Ortiz has created 8 large-scale public art installations highlighting the messages and portraits of the mothers and their children. All eight installations will … Continued

Pennsylvania Poverty Snapshot: 1.5 Million People Remain in Poverty, with 3.5 Million Near Poor

From the Coalition for Low Income Pennsylvanians (https://www.papovertycoalition.org/p/welcome.html): Many working families struggle to make ends meet, while threats to SNAP, housing and Medicaid could increase hardship While poverty declined in Pennsylvania from 12.9 percent in 2016 to 12.5 percent last … Continued