Free Online Resource That Helps U.S. Immigrants Apply for Citizenship

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition ( As their motto states, is “free and simple information for immigrants”. IMMI is a free online immigration database that Community Action Agencies can use to help their clients understand the process … Continued

The Minimum Wage Is Rising in Our Region—Except in Pennsylvania

Posted at This policy watch examines the recent growth in the minimum wage, average weekly wages, and employment in Pennsylvania and across Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and West Virginia. Laws on the … Continued

‘Literally What Jesus Told People to Do’: In Arizona, Possible Prison Time for Leaving Food and Water for Migrants

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Published on Monday, January 21, 2019 by Common Dreams “If giving water to someone dying of thirst is illegal, what humanity is left in the law of this country?” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Natalie Hoffman, Oona … Continued

A ‘Fundamentally Inhuman’ Economy: 26 Billionaires Own as Much as World’s 3.8 Billion Poorest People

Posted at Published on Monday, January 21, 2019 by Common Dreams While the wealth of billionaires increased by $900 billion last year, or $2.5 billion a day, latest Oxfam report on inequality shows “this bonanza has not been felt … Continued