‘Ominous’ UN Report Warns Human Activity Has Pushed One Million Plant and Animal Species to Brink of Extinction

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/05/06/ominous-un-report-warns-human-activity-has-pushed-one-million-plant-and-animal Published on Monday, May 06, 2019 by Common Dreams “Nature is collapsing around us and it’s a real wake-up call to humanity.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer A United Nations report on biodiversity released Monday found that … Continued

Administration Floating Changes to Poverty Measure That Would Reduce or Eliminate Assistance to Millions of Lower-Income Americans

Go to https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2019/05/07/2019-09106/request-for-comment-on-the-consumer-inflation-measures-produced-by-federal-statistical-agencies to provide a comment. From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (http://www.cbpp.org): CBPP Statement: May 7, 2019 – For Immediate Release BY SHARON PARROTT The Administration yesterday floated a proposal to use a lower measure of inflation when adjusting the … Continued

Tell Your Representative: Don’t Defund Efforts Against Climate Change

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From PennEnvironment (http://www.pennenvironment.org): The administration’s budget proposal for 2020 is out, and it is a disaster for the environment. It would slash the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget by nearly a third and eliminate programs that clean up bodies of water … Continued

#ShutDownBerks Video 6: No Family Separation, Detention or Deportations

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From the #ShutDownBerks Coalition (https://www.facebook.com/ShutDownBerksCoalition/): This week we debut our final video in our video series. We in the Shut Down Berks Coalition recognize that our fight in Pennsylvania is a part of the greater movement for justice in our country. … Continued

New Report Shows How to Reverse Trend of Mothers, Infants, and Toddlers Not Getting Nutrition Needed for a Healthy Life

From the Food Research and Action Center (http://www.frac.org): WASHINGTON, May 7, 2019 — Far too many pregnant women, new mothers, and their young children in the U.S. are missing out on the healthy nutrition they need, according to a report released today … Continued