Electoral College Abolitionists Say Court Ruling Shows Why Current System ‘Terrible Way of Picking the President’

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/08/22/electoral-college-abolitionists-say-court-ruling-shows-why-current-system-terrible Published on Thursday, August 22, 2019 by Common Dreams Case “could spur additional change and additional movement that would in some ways make a solution like the National Popular Vote stronger,” one advocate said By Julia Conley, … Continued

Sign Petition for Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Act

From the Courage Campaign (https://www.couragecampaign.org/): Over 2.5 million domestic workers across the United States — many of them immigrants and women of color — care for our children, homes, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Yet domestic workers in the … Continued

Impending “Public Charge” Rule Could Drive Up the Uninsured Rate for Children

From Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (http://www.papartnerships.org): The “public charge” test refers to the evaluation by federal immigration officials to determine whether a person applying for a visa or green card is likely to rely on government benefits. The final rule, … Continued

August 22 Was Black Women’s Equal Pay Day—Tell Our Senators to Act on Legislation to Help Close the Pay Gap

From Moms Rising (https://www.momsrising.org/): August 22 was Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, marking the fact that Black women must work until August 22 of 2019 (and all of 2018) in order to earn what white men were paid in 2018 … Continued

Medicare/Medicare for All Support is Growing

From Faith in Healthcare (https://faithinhealthcare.org): Most Americans Happy to Switch from Private Plans to Medicare for All A Business Insider poll published earlier this month found that most Americans with employer-sponsored health coverage support switching over to Medicare for All, undermining the right-wing … Continued

Plug the Profiteering Hole: The Problem with Watered-Down Versions of Medicare for All

From Faith in Healthcare (https://faithinhealthcare.org): At a time of unprecedented support for Medicare for All, half-measure proposals are being floated by members of Congress and Presidential candidates. The chief beneficiaries of these proposals are for-profit insurance and pharmaceutical corporations. Not … Continued

“We Don’t Have to Live Like This”: March for Our Lives Unveils Sweeping Plan to Address Gun Violence and Strengthen Democracy

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/08/21/we-dont-have-live-march-our-lives-unveils-sweeping-plan-address-gun-violence-and Published on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 by Common Dreams “Created by survivors, so you don’t have to be one.” By Julia Conley, staff writer Parkland shooting victim and survivor David Hogg, center, joins Manuel Oliver and his … Continued