Survey Shows Richest 1% Not Necessarily Happier, But All That Money Has Convinced Them the ‘American Dream’ Is Real

Posted at Published on Thursday, January 09, 2020 by Common Dreams The number of rich respondents who reported dissatisfaction with their lives was “statistically indistinguishable from zero,” while nearly 40% of low-income people said they struggle to pay their … Continued

Study Shows New Voting Machines to be Widely Used in 2020 Are Vulnerable to Hacking

Posted at Meteor Blades Daily Kos Staff Wednesday January 08, 2020 · 3:30 PM EST A ballot-marking device. A study by a seven-member team at the University of Michigan has concluded that a new voting machine that will be used for the first … Continued

Fresh Calls to #RaiseTheWage After Study Shows $1 Increase Could Prevent Thousands of Suicides

Posted at Published on Thursday, January 09, 2020 by Common Dreams The House-approved Raise the Wage Act is among hundreds of bills sitting on the desk of Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the self-declared “grim reaper” of progressive … Continued

Climate Watchdog Warns US Fracking Boom Leading to 30% Rise in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2025

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, January 08, 2020 by Common Dreams “This analysis shows that we’re heading in the wrong direction and really need to slow emissions growth from the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries.” By Jessica Corbett, staff … Continued