Tell Congress to Repeal the Dirty Water Rule

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From PennEnvironment ( It’s official: The administration has eliminated critical clean water protections.1 The revision is called the Dirty Water Rule, and it revokes hardwon protections for streams and wetlands that help provide drinking water for millions of Americans. That’s why we’re working … Continued

‘They Put Me in Solitary for Having Oranges’ — Muslim Inmates Struggle during Ramadan

Posted at A lawsuit in Franklin County highlights challenges faced by Muslim inmates during Islam’s holy month Joseph Darius Jaafari | MAY 15, 2020 | 2:13 PM Photo illustration by WITF’s Tom Downing Excerpts from grievances filed by Muslim inmates … Continued

Tell the EPA: Protect Our Respiratory Health from Soot Pollution–Till June 29

From PennEnvironment ( On April 5, a Harvard study found that the risk of death from COVID-19 is increased by exposure to soot pollution.1 Just days later, the administration rejected its own scientists’ recommendation to strengthen protections against soot pollution.2 Despite … Continued

Call to Observe Memorial Day, May 25, as Day of Mourning to Acknowledge Grief and Loss from Pandemic

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Thanks to Philadelphia Yearly Meeting representative to the Council’s Board of Directors, Carter Nash, for sharing. Northside Friends Meeting is a Quaker Meeting located in the Uptown Neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and Illinois quarantine we have … Continued

Resources for Community Response to Hate

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Thanks to the Community Responders Network for providing these resources. Community Response – Ten Ways to Fight Hate – Southern Poverty Law Center: Take a Stand in Your Community – Not in Our Town (Action Kit): Enhance the … Continued