Tell Our Senators to Support and Move the HEROES Act

From the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center ( Go to to tell Senators Pat Toomey and Bob Casey to support and advance the Heroes Act, a bold and comprehensive coronavirus response bill that provides economic support for our state … Continued

Sign Petition to Protect the U.S. Atlantic’s Only Marine National Monument

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From Creation Justice Ministries ( June is National Ocean Month: a time for wonder, gratitude, and care-taking of God’s marine creation. As you may have heard, on World Environment Day 2020 (June 5th), the administration announced a rollback of protections … Continued

Tell Senator Toomey It’s Time to Close the Charleston Loophole and Prevent Gun Sales Without a Completed Background Check

From CeaseFirePA ( Five years ago, congregants at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC welcomed a stranger to join them for bible study. The 21 year old white man with sandy-blond hair didn’t look like the typical member … Continued

‘This Is Mass Murder’: Covid-19 Deaths in US Prisons Have Risen by 73% the Past Month

Posted at Published on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 by Common Dreams The number of known cases in the facilities has doubled since mid-May to over 68,000. By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Faith leaders and activists hold signs during a … Continued

Apply Now for EPLC’s 2020-2021 PA Education Policy Fellowship Program!

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From the Education Policy and Leadership Center ( Applications are available now for the 2020-2021 Education Policy Fellowship Program. The Education Policy Fellowship Program is sponsored in Pennsylvania by The Education Policy and Leadership Center (EPLC). The 2020-2021 Program will be … Continued

Contact Our Senators: Tell AG Barr Bureau of Prisons “Total Lockdown” Is Immoral, Prevent Future Use

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture ( On June 1, the federal Bureau of Prisons announced it had instituted a “total lockdown” of all BOP facilities in response to on-going public protests for racial justice throughout the country, despite … Continued

Research Shows ‘Linking Climate Policy to Social and Economic Justice Makes It More Popular’

Posted at Published on Friday, June 12, 2020 by Common Dreams “The public wants a Green New Deal. The public wants green stimulus. The public wants to address inequality.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Sunrise NYC, a climate activist … Continued