Democracy, Values & the 2020 Election: A Reflection Guide for Faith Communities

From Interfaith Power and Light ( This month IPL and Faith in Public Life released our multi-issue faith voter reflection guide: Democracy, Values & the 2020 Election: A Reflection Guide for Faith Communities. It’s time for some national soul-searching, and faith communities have an important … Continued

Will the Pandemic Trigger a U.S. Healthcare Revolution?

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of Americans to lose their employer-based health insurance. Taxpayers have already paid billions of dollars for research for a vaccine, but for-profit pharma companies refuse to guarantee any vaccine will be affordable to those same taxpayers. … Continued

Sign Petition: Tell the Postmaster to Reverse Harmful Changes in the Postal Service

From Common Cause ( The U.S. Postal Service — under new postmaster general Louis DeJoy — just announced sweeping changes that could throw a major wrench into November’s election. If we don’t respond, USPS could soon come to a grinding halt … Continued