Study Warns Emissions Cuts Must Be 80% More Ambitious to Meet Even the Dangerously Inadequate 2°C Target

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Posted at Published on Thursday, February 11, 2021 by Common Dreams “And as if 2°C rather than 1.5°C was acceptable,” responded Greta Thunberg, calling the findings further evidence “that our so-called ‘climate targets’ are insufficient.” By Jessica Corbett, staff … Continued

Tell the US Fish & Wildlife Service to Restore Protections for Spotted Owls

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From PennEnvironment ( In one of its final acts, the previous administration struck down vital protections for Northern spotted owls: The administration opened up 3.4 million acres of their protected habitat for logging and other development.1 Scientists believe that all of … Continued

Send a Valentine to Your PA Legislators to Remind Them It’s Time to Lower Prescription Drug Costs

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network ( It’s the season of love, and there’s nothing we’d love more than prescription drug cost legislation now. If you’re struggling with the high cost of prescription drugs, you’re not alone. 1 in 2 Pennsylvanians are worried … Continued