Bolstering Alarm Over Scientists’ Warnings, New Study Finds Sea Level Rise Projections ‘Are On the Money’

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, February 16, 2021 by Common Dreams “If we continue with large ongoing emissions as we are at present, we will commit the world to meters of sea level rise over coming centuries.” By Jessica … Continued

Urge Your US Representative to Support the FAIR Act, End Forced Arbitration for Workers

From Americans for Financial Reform ( Forced arbitration is an unfair tool that rigs the system in favor of corporate interests and against average people. Arbitration is a privatized secret “justice” system that heavily favors corporations and makes it difficult for people … Continued

Sign Petition Calling for a Fair Vaccine Rollout for Pennsylvania

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network ( Pennsylvania lacks a centralized system for finding out when and where to receive a COVID-19 vaccine appointment, and recent changes to the system could leave vulnerable communities behind. Our vaccine rollout has been too … Continued