Tell Your State Legislators to Support the State Food Purchase Program and PA Agricultural Surplus Program

From Hunger-Free Pennsylvania ( In “normal” times, far too many Pennsylvanians are challenged by hunger. But during the pandemic, that need was even more evident as many in our communities turned to food banks for help for the first time.  Our … Continued

For Equal Pay Day: Tell Congress to Raise the Wage, Support Paycheck Fairness, and the FAMILY Act

From Moms Rising ( Facts are facts: March 24 is Equal Pay Day for women across the country, a day that highlights the persistent pay gap by marking how far into the year women of all races and ethnicities, on … Continued

Urge PA’s Members of Congress to Cosponsor the GRACE Act for Refugee Admissions

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From Church World Service ( The previous administration dismantled the refugee resettlement program by more than 80% and set consecutively historic-low refugee admissions goals, with a FY 2021 refugee admissions goal of only 15,000. This is despite facing the worst refugee … Continued

PA Announces Major Solar-Energy Project

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at March 23, 2021 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Pennsylvania PULSE is expected to create more than 400 jobs and reduce carbon pollution by the equivalent of taking 34,000 cars off … Continued