Tell the PA General Assembly to Prioritize College Scholarships Over Horse Racing

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From Education Voters of Pennsylvania ( Paying for college is one of the biggest worries facing Pennsylvania families – especially now. Governor Wolf wants to create a new program – the Nellie Bly Scholarships – for 44,000 students attending PASSHE … Continued

Do You Want Fair, Equitable Legislative District Maps? Apply to Be on the Reapportionment Commission

From Common Cause ( Pennsylvania will draw new state legislative maps this year — and for the first time ever, everyday Pennsylvanians have a chance to lead that process rather than relying exclusively on political insiders. Our state Constitution calls for the … Continued

Georgia Hit With Pair of Lawsuits Over Sweeping Voter Suppression Law

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Posted at Published on Monday, March 29, 2021 by Common Dreams “The Georgia NAACP will continue to fight until every voter is able to freely and confidently participate in democracy,” vowed the state president. By Jessica Corbett, staff writer … Continued

CDC Director Warns of ‘Impending Doom’ as Covid Cases Rise Across US

Posted at Published on Monday, March 29, 2021 by Common Dreams “We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are and so much reason for hope, but right now I’m scared.” … Continued

Minimum Wage Would Be $44 Today If It Had Increased at Same Rate as Wall St. Bonuses: Analysis

Posted at Published on Monday, March 29, 2021 by Common Dreams “Since 1985, the average Wall Street bonus has increased 1,217%, from $13,970 to $184,000 in 2020.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer A coalition of activists gathered outside the … Continued

CDC Extends Eviction Moratorium Through June 30, Announced Enforcement

The Biden administration announced today an extension of the federal eviction moratorium through June 30, 2021, and greater enforcement of the moratorium’s protections – two measures that will help keep millions of renters stably housed during the pandemic and prevent further spread of and … Continued

The Mauritanian—Now Available for Streaming; Discussion Guide Available

From the National Religious Campaign Against Torture ( Now available for streaming, The Mauritanian tells the story of Mohamedou Ould Slahi and his fight for freedom after being detained, tortured, and imprisoned without charge in Guantanamo. Tahar Rahim (Golden Globe nominee), Jodie … Continued